adult and children playing with bubbles in park

Learn More About
South Lake Union

South Lake Union History

Although South Lake Union had humble beginnings, innovation was always a core value of the neighborhood. From sawmills fed by floating logs, to industrial pioneers, big thinkers shaped the area. This didn’t stop when Microsoft co-founder Paul G. Allen invested $30 million to kick-start an effort to acquire land in South Lake Union to fulfill the City of Seattle’s vision of the Seattle Commons, a massive park which would run from the downtown core to Lake Union. Although the measure was not approved, Allen shifted gears, formed Vulcan Real Estate and developed the acquired land into what you see today. South Lake Union is now home to a diverse mix of retail businesses, office buildings, condominiums and apartments, all designed with an emphasis on walkability, excellent public transportation and sustainable design and construction. The neighborhood was even designated as one of seven Innovation Districts in the United States by the Brookings Institute because of its emphasis on connectivity, technology and community.

To learn more, explore HistoryLink’s self-guided South Lake Union Historical Walking Tour.

Live & Work in South Lake Union

South Lake Union is a unique neighborhood within the City of Seattle, comprised of 170 acres of parks, community amenities, LEED-certified commercial and residential buildings as well as lakefront access and a myriad of alternative transit options. Both residents and business owners are drawn to the neighborhood because of its pedestrian-oriented infrastructure and modern approach to place-making. Public art, pocket parks and historic buildings provide tranquility and a rich culture. From retail, to life sciences, to tech startups, the one thing all businesses in South Lake Union have in common is a desire to innovate and evolve. We’re still growing, and you can join us. Contact Vulcan Real Estate’s Office and Retail Leasing department at 206.342.2025, or email [email protected] to discuss opportunities.

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At The Center

SLU is the geographical center of Seattle