people on lawn watching outdoor movie

Seattle Parks and Recreation presents Center City Cinema, a free movie event series!

Bring your lawn chairs and blankets, and enjoy an evening of outdoor film. Some movie events (noted below) will have food trucks onsite starting at 8pm, come hungry!

Here are the Center City Cinema movie events happening in the SLU area:

Denny Park (100 Dexter Ave N )
*Food trucks onsite at 8:00pm

  • Wed, Jun 26, 8:30pm* – The Goonies
  • Wed, Jul 10, 8:30pm* – The Breakfast Club
  • Wed, Jul 17, 8:30pm* – The Color Purple (1984)
  • Wed, Aug 7, 8:30pm* – Dirty Dancing

Cascade Playground (333 Pontius Ave N) 

  • Fri, Jul 19, 8:30pm – Labyrinth

Lake Union Park (860 Terry Ave N)

  • Sat, Jul 6, 3:00pm – A Bug’s Life
  • Thu, Aug 29, 8:30pm* – Jaws

*Non-motorized Boats and Floats welcome for this special float-in movie! Food trucks on site at 8:00pm.

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