Sue Kimpton at storytime

Join Sue Kimpton for Wooden Boat Storytime in the Boathouse and be enchanted by her irrepressible wit and storytelling charm.

Let your imagination soar and your inner child take flight – you and your child will both enjoy a romp down “Story Time Lane” that is a must see! Please visit her website at for a preview of the fun. This program is best suited for pre-k, kindergarten, and early elementary aged kids.

2025 Wooden Boat Storytime Dates:
11:00 – 11:45am: March 13 | April 27 | May 25 | June 29 | July 27 | August 31 | September 28 | October 26

Check out videos of Sue leading Tugboat Storytime aboard historic Tugboat Arthur Foss available on our YouTube Channel!